Friday 26
Digital Humanities: present and future

› 11:10 - 11:35 (25min)
› Amphithéâtre de la Maison de l'Université
How Do We Build It So They Will Come?: Editing Bess of Hardwick's Letters Online
Alison Wiggins  1@  
1 : School of Critical Studies - University of Glasgow

This paper reflects upon the (potentially conflicting) needs and interests of different parties, or stakeholder groups, in relation to a digital research project. Stakeholders might include a range of individuals, such as the funding body, the Project PI, Project RAs, target user-groups for Impact and KE, a Project's web developers, future academic researchers and students from different fields (such as linguistics, history, palaeography) and the host institution. The nitty-gritty decisions made within a digital project will be influenced by these various stakeholders, which raises questions about how priorities are set. Reflections draw on examples from the AHRC-funded Letters of Bess of Hardwick Project (University of Glasgow). Particular consideration is given to issues involved in developing DH resources predisposed for sustained future use.

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